21 May 2007

Kiss My Ass

This past weekend I had some strange happenings in my life, none of which upsets me more than so-called friends screwing up their friends' lives. It pisses me off no end.

A very dear friend of mine was done in, bamboozled by another ex-dear friend of mine.

This brings me for a moment to the picture of the pink bunny above and the "KISS-MY-ASS" saying. These three little words had a lot of people in deep trouble, going all the way back to the very first person to utter the dreaded thing, yet when you try and find out who coined it, its another story. The massive internet produced nothing in this regard except that the term has been widely used by those doing the heavy wrestling thing.

I feel that I should be uttering these three words more and more whenever this ex-friend's (fiend) name is used: "He can Kiss My Ass, I will screw him over like he is screwing my friend over. This is tantamount to hate-speech, but I ask you what else can one say in a situation like this. How dare one not take sides when this happens, are we not to be our Brother's Keeper?

Time out - gotta run ...

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